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NameCasting Effect
Aerial Shield6When the spell is successfully cast, place an Aerial Shield token in the Wizard’s box.
Aerial Shield token : All friendly units in the same or adjacent square to the Aerial Shield token can draw an extra Save card after being shot at, discarding one. 
Anger of the Gods6When cast, place an Anger of the Gods token in the Wizard’s square. Casting this spell ends the Wizard’s activation (but not the command).
Anger of the Gods token : All enemy units within 3 boxes have Command (+2)
Apotheosis8This spell can be cast on a friendly unit within 3 boxes. The Wizard must be able to see his target to use this spell. Apotheosis removes a single disruption marker from the unit.
Arcane Fire6This spell is cast upon a missile-armed friendly unit within 3 boxes of the Wizard. The Wizard does not need to be able to see the friendly unit nor their intended target. Arcane Fire cannot be cast on Artillery.
When Arcane Fire is cast, the target unit shoots immediately without activation. This spell can be cast on a unit even if it has already activated. Ammunition is expended as normal for the shots fired.
Arcane Spite6If cast successfully, place an Arcane Spite token in the Wizard’s box. This marker has an adverse effects on your enemy.
Arcane Spite token : enemy troops in an adjacent box suffer with the following – Save (+1) & Command (+1) 
Arcane Vigour7Pick a visible box within 4 boxes of the casting Wizard. The spell affects all units within that box. Units in the box can be moved as if they had received a successful activation, even if they have already been activated previously.
Ball of Flame7When cast successfully, starting from the Wizard’s box pick a face –
– Make 3 shooting attacks into a box contiguous to the selected face
– Make 2 shooting attacks in the 2nd box from the selected face
– Make 1 shooting attack in the 3rd box from the selected face
The route of the ball of flame is in a 3 box line.
Normal Saves may be made from these attacks.
Blood Sacrifice8When successfully cast, sacrifice 1 unit in the Wizard’s box. Sacrificing a unit means they are destroyed, but this does not cause break tests. Victory Medals are sacrificed as normal. Place a Blood Sacrifice token in the Wizard’s Box
Blood Sacrifice token : all friendly troops in the box, and adjacent boxes draw an extra card when attacking.
Bloodlust6If successfully cast, place a Bloodlust token on a Monstrous Creature unit within 3 boxes of Wizard. This token remains in place until the Monstrous Creature fails its next Save.
Bloodlust token : counts as Fanatic. 
Chill5This spell can be cast upon a box within 3 squares of the casting Wizard. The Wizard does not have to be able to see the target to cast the spell.
When successfully cast, place a Chill token in the box.
Chill token : Command (+2) . In addition, if there are any frozen water features (as a result of Frozen Steppes trait) they too get a Chill token.
Climbing and Burrowing6Target a unit with the Subterranean characteristic in an adjacent box to the casting Wizard. If successfully cast place a Climbing and Burrowing token on the unit.
Climbing and Burrowing token : Troops can move into and out of impassable terrain. This token stays in play until the unit fails an activation to move.
Confusion6This spell can be cast on an enemy unit within 3 squares regardless of whether the Wizard can see it or not.
When successfully cast, place a Confusion token on the enemy unit.
Confusion token : The unit cannot charge or advance closer to any enemy. Even units that are otherwise obliged to charge, or advance will not do so.
Curse7This spell targets a single enemy unit within 2 boxes of the casting Wizard. When successfully cast, place as Curse token on the enemy unit.
Curse token : Draw 2 cards when making a Save, discarding the highest PIP card
Curse of Years8Pick an enemy unit adjacent to the casting Wizard.
When cast draw a card for effect –
Target unit is automatically hit. Saves cannot be made.
Even PIP
Target unit is automatically hit. Saves cannot be made. A friendly unit in the same box as the Wizard can remove a disruption marker.
If the card for effect is 10-PIP then the casting Wizards level is raised by 1. If the Wizard is already Level 3 then he crumbles away and is killed with the Curse of Years.
Daemonic Ritual7Target a friendly Daemonic unit or Daemonic Monstrous general within 2 boxes of the casting Wizard. When successfully cast remove a disruption marker.
Death Frenzy7Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a unit within 3 boxes of the casting Wizard. If successfully cast place a Death Frenzy token on the unit 
Death Frenzy token : Unit draws an additional card when attacking , adding the results together! Heroes cannot participate in this attack as the troops are just too frenzied. If the total value of the card exceeds 10 then the  unit also takes a hit, which cannot be saved
Desert Sun5If cast successfully place a Desert Sun token on the table
Desert Sun token : all troops with the Cold Blooded Characteristic ignore its effect. 
Divine Wind7Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a box within 2 of the casting Wizard. All units (friend or foe) must move by deviation. If the unit cannot move into the destination box (because it is fully occupied or contains impassible terrain) the unit takes a hit as if by shooting. Saves can be made from these hits. Troops pushed off the table count as destroyed. Each unit in the box draws to deviate separately. The orientation of deviation can either be from the facing of the casting wizard , or the target unit. The casting wizard picks which orientation to use
Dominion7When cast successfully pick a visible box within 2 boxes of the wizard. Place a Dominion token in that box
Dominion token : Troops, who are not fearless, in the box with the Dominion token cannot activate. They can, however
strike back if attacked. Note that Generals are not troops. 
Doom and Despair6When cast successfully place a Doom and Despair token in a target box within 3 boxes of the casting Wizard
Doom and Despair token : Command (+4)
Note that even other Undead are not immune – they are overcome by the ennui of the tomb!
Doomroar6When cast successfully place a Doomroar token in the Wizards box. Casting this spell ends the Wizard’s activation (but not the command).
Doomroar token : Attack (-1). In addition enemy units adjacent have Save (+1) 
Dread Visage6Target a  unit or  Monstrous General, within 2 boxes of the casting Wizard. When successfully cast place a Dread Visage token on the target
Dread Visage token : Target unit has Terror
Eerie Mist6This spell can be cast on any 2 contiguous boxes within 3 of the Wizard. Place an Eerie Mist token in both boxes.
Eerie Mist token : Blocks line of sight. In addition Command (+2) 
Eye of the Raven7If cast successfully place an Eye of the Raven token in the Wizards box.
The Eye of the Raven token : Allows one army wide re-draw for ANY failed draw – Activation , Save , Shooting etc. When you perform the re-draw – remove the Eye of the Raven token. Until you make the re-draw the Eye of the Raven token remains in play. You can only have 1 Eye of the Raven token in play at any one time. You cannot re-draw a re-draw
Fearful Strike8This spell can be cast on a box containing enemy troops within 4 boxes, regardless of whether the Wizard can see it or not. Each unit suffers automatic hit. Saves can be taken as normal. If any save is failed place a Fearful Strike token in the box
Fearful Strike token : Command (+7) 
Flickering Flames5Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a unit within 2 boxes of the casting Deamonic Wizard. Successfully casting the spell
does one automatic hit. In addition place a Flickering Flames token on the Wizard.
Flickering Flames token : Armour (-1)
Freeze7This spell can be cast upon an enemy unit within 2 squares of the casting wizard. The Wizard does not have to be able to see the target to cast the spell. When successfully cast place a Freeze token on the unit.
Freeze token : Save (+2).  On an 11+ an addition +1 Save per PIP over 10 – up to the level of the caster – is added to the token. In addition if there are any frozen water features (as a result of Frozen Steppes trait ) they become impassible 
Gaze of Fate8Pick a visible friendly unit within 3 boxes of the casting Deamonic Wizard. When successfully cast draw a card –
1 Add a Disruption Marker applied to the unit
2-3 Remove an Effect token from the unit. If you cannot do this apply, the previous lower result
4-6 A Disruption Marker is removed from the unit. If you cannot do this, apply the previous lower result
7-9 Deduct 3 from the activation card on the unit. If there is no activation card, apply the previous lower result
10 Replace the General with a Deamon Prince of the same Mark. If you have no model, treat the draw as a 1. If the General is already Monstrous, apply the previous lower result
Gods of the Dead6Target an undead unit, without a minor hero, within 3 boxes of the casting Wizard. If successfully cast the target unit is gifted a minor hero. However, if the total casting value is greater than 11 then remove a disruption marker in addition
Great Green!5If cast successfully place Great Green! token in the Greenskin Wizards box –
Great Green! token – Greenskin Wizard spells get a +1 PIP to the casting draw for each  Greenskin unit in, or adjacent to, the Great Green! token.
If however the casting total is greater than 10 the Greenskin Wizard must make a save, or explode with too much  Great Green! 
Green Power!8If cast successfully every Greenskins unit in or adjacent to the casting Wizard receives a Minor Hero marker – if it doesn’t already have a Hero marker. 
Harbinger of Doom8Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a box within 3 of the casting Wizard. Successfully casting the spell places a Harbinger of Doom Comet token in the target box. On an 11+ an extra Harbinger of Doom Comet token is placed per PIP over 10 – up to the level of the caster. Harbinger of Doom Comet tokens can be dispelled while in play. Each successul dispel removes 1 token. The dispel value, once in play, is 8+
Harbinger of Doom token  : If one or more unit is in the same box as the token, at the beginning of the units turn turn draw a card
1-2 Remove a Harbinger of Doom Comet token from the box
3-8 Each unit in the box takes 1 automatic hit
9-10 Move the Harbinger of Doom Comet token by Deviation (facing is closest to the player drawing the card)
Itchy Nuisance 5If successfully cast, a place a Itchy Nuisance token in a box adjacent to the Wizard
Itchy Nuisance token : Command (+4)
Life in the Trees8The spell is cast on any friendly box containing Woods within 3 boxes of the Wizard. If successfully cast place an Life in the Trees token in the box.
Life in the Trees token :  Troops in a box containing an Life in the Trees token cannot be targeted by missile fire.
Light of Battle7When cast place a Light of Battle token in the Wizards box.
Light of Battle token : Units in the same square draw an additonal card when in melee
Magma Pool6When cast successfully place a 2 Magma Pool tokens into one or more contigious boxes within 2 of the Wizard.
These boxes must be vacant of all troops and terrain. A box can contain more than 1 token.
At the beginning of the casting Wizard remove 1 Magma Pool token from each box containing them.
Magma Pool token : Box is impassible terrain
Mirage7This spell can be cast on a friendly unit within 3 squares of the Wizard. The Wizard must be able to see his target to use this spell and visible to any enemy unit. The target unit is removed and placed into a vacant box not adjacent to the enemy. The target unit keeps its original orientation. The destination box must also be within 3 boxes of the Wizard.
Monster Bear!7If successfully cast, remove all activation cards from the Wizard and replace the Wizard’s model with a Monster Bear! token.
Monster Bear! token : Treat as a creature having a Monster Bear profile. It can activate. However, if the creature is killed then the Wizard is also killed. VM are surrendered for the Wizard. When the Monster Bear! token is removed, all the disruption counters on it are also removed. The Wizard is then replaced back into the box 
Plague8Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a unit within 2 boxes of the casting Wizard. Each enemy unit in the box takes 1 hit. Saves can then be taken. Place a Plague token on one unit in the box. If the units moves then the Plague token is moved along with it. Each subsequent player turn all units in the box with the Plague token take one hit. Saves can be taken. If the save is successful then the Plague token is removed. If the save is failed the unit takes a disruption and the Plague token remains in play. If the unit with the Plague token is destroyed for any reason and there is another unit in the box the Plague token is transferred to that unit, otherwise it is removed.
Power of the Herd7If successfully cast place a Power of the Herd token in the Wizards box, and those boxes adjacent containing non-monstrous creatures units with the Unruly Beast characteristic. The Power of the Herd token : Units draw an extra card when attacking. You must then discard one card. If the card you discard is a 1 then then attacking unit takes a hit. This hit cannot be saved.
Rage of Chaos6Target friendly unit, with the same Mark of Chaos as the Wizard, within 3 boxes. Place a Rage of Chaos token on the Unit.
Rage of Chaos token : Draw one 1 card after each activation to attack successfully.
1 Target unit takes a disruption
2-9 Target unit draws 1 extra card when attacking
10 Target unit draws 2 extra cards when attacking. The unit also takes a disruption
Raise Dead7If successful create a new unit of core undead troops, in the same or orthogonally adjacent box of the casting Wizard. The new unit cannot be placed adjacent to a box containing enemy troops. This new unit is in the same command as the casting
Wizard. It does not however add any Victory points to the army. The card used to cast the spell is placed as the raised units activation. 
Sandstorm8If cast successfully place a Sand Storm token on the table
Sand Storm token – all activations Command(+1) penalty
Shadows from Afar6If cast successfully place a Shadows from Afar token on the table
Shadows from Afar token – all troops with the Dread of Light Characteristic ignore its effect.
Shield of Combat7When the spell is successfully place an Shield of Combat token in the Wizards box.
Shield of Combat token : All friendly units in the same or adjacent square as the Shield of Combat token can draw an extra save card during melee, discarding one.
Shield of the Old Ones6This spell can be cast upon a friendly unit within 2 squares of the casting wizard. The Wizard does not have to be able to see the target to cast the spell.
When successfully cast place a Shield of the Old Ones token on the unit.
Shield of the Old Ones token : Save (-1)
On an 11+ an addition -1 Save per PIP over 10 – up to the level of the caster – is added to the token
Skitterleap6If cast successfully the Wizard, and any unit in the same box, can be moved to any other vacant box within 4 boxes to the original location. The destination box must be empty and not be adjacent to any enemy troops
Sorcerous Blast 7Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a unit within 3 boxes of the casting Wizard. Successfully casting the spell does one automatic hit. On an 11+ an extra hit is inflicted per PIP over 10 – up to the level of the caster. Saves can be made as normal.
Soul Stealer5Using line of sight, as if shooting, target a unit within 3 boxes of the casting Wizard. If successfully cast the target unit loses a Hero marker.
Teleport5When cast successfully the Wizard can be taken from his current position, and placed in any other box containing troops in his command. Alternatively he can be placed a friendly camp box
Touch of Death8Target enemy unit in adjacent box to the Wizard takes 1 hit. This hit cannot be saved.
If a 10-PIP card is drawn for casting the Wizard also takes a hit – this hit can be saved.
WAAA!7If successfully cast place a WAAA! token in the Wizards box. If a ‘non-Raw’ Greenskin! unit suffers a hit (even if it were saved) from a non-ajacent box, and is within 3 boxes of of a WAAA! token the unit must move 1 box straight forward.
If the box directly ahead is
• Blocked by impassable terrain
• Fully occupied with friendly troops
• Contains enemy troops
Then no move is made.
If the result of the casting is 9+, in addition, all Greenskin! units on the table get a -1 save.
Wild Woods7If cast successfully the wizard may move a box containing a wood (and any friendly or enemy units therein) into an adjacent empty box keeping the same orientation. The target box and the final destination must both be with 3 boxes of the casting Wizard.
Wrath of the Woods7Target an enemy unit, within 3 boxes of the Wizard, in a box containing Woods. The target takes 3 hits as if charged. These hits can be saved in the normal manner (as if in melee)